Friday, January 04, 2008


Today, our horses got a visitor, a two year old filly from the bush who happened to be none other than Sahara's younger sister. She was destined to our neighbor, but although with her two years she would seem ridable to most people in Niger, she is too frail for any of us. So she's staying with us for a short period of time, until we can find her a suitable home. Now it took us a while to figure out an appropriate name for her, but then finally something hit home. To all Swedes out, Maja Gräddnos from the children's book series Pelle Svanslös is explanation enough, but whether you know of this kitty with a cream colored nose or not; Maya has turned out to be a very appreciated horse name here in Zinder.


1 comment:

photogchic said...

She has such delicate features. Love her white snip on her nose. Good luck finding a home where she is loved and valued.