Friday, February 23, 2007


I can't explain it, but just like some days will feel wrong, some days just feel so right. Today is one of those days when I am just filled with thankfulness for all the things that I have and I feel blessed.

I am thankful that today is a good day and that I am full of inspiration.
I am thankful that I have a mission and a sense of meaning with my life.
I am thankful that my work gives me satisfaction.
I am thankful that I have options in life in contrast to so many people around me. I do not have a lot of material wealth (I only have two horses!) but I have enough money to support myself and I am free to make my own choices, which many people here (both men and women) aren't.
I am thankful of my health, which, despite some defaults (especially linked to the accident last year) is more than many people have and which allows me to enjoy so much.
I am thankful for my family, my friends and all my nice acquaintances that make my life so much richer!
And last but not least, I am thankful that I go to bed sleepy at night. It's such a treat, you wouldn't how happy I am about that! I hope it lasts for many more weeks to come!

Still smiling!


Anonymous said...

And we're thankful to have you as a friend!

Anonymous said...

Du har rätt, det finns så otroligt mycket att vara tacksam över, och det är underbart de stunderna man faktiskt kan stanna upp och se hur mycket man har. Tack!

Kram Karin