Sunday, December 23, 2007


So it was time for Tabaski again, and although we had a lot of work to do, we took the afternoon off and went socializing; the Nigerien way to celebrate.

Although there are two major celebrations in Niger, Tabaski - also known as the Sheep Feast - is generally the favourite, as all families will slaughter a sheep or two (if one can't afford a sheep, which are really expensive during this time, one must at least slaughter something, whether that be a goat (Amadeus need not watch out as he is Nettus private pet), a camel or a rooster.

The meat was nice and we both enjoyed it.

The cakes and cookies were nice too!

Then Aïssa's brother made tea à la Nigerienne, which is always a favourite.

After two hours, I was updated on all the family members' activities and we talked about lot about the situation up north. I will never cease to be amazed by International world politics!

It was fun to see Aïssa again, and to take some time and just enjoy. I've been working such long hours lately that we've hardly met, although we live really close to one another, so it was great to recap. Will perhaps go out and see her family during the holidays if all goes according to plan. But although the plan is perfect and well thought through, I have to remind everyone that we're still in Niger, where "future is unpredictable"!



Anonymous said...

Salut Esther,
D'abord je te souhaite à toi ainsi qu'à toute ta famille, et sans oublié Aissa, un joyeux Noel 2007.Je te souhaite plein de boheurs, réussites et prospérités.Je suis encore en allemagen et si un jour tu aurras le temps, tu serras toujours la bienvenue.Embrasse tt le monde ma part et je t'embrasse trés trés fort.Lalaina

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year from Portugal.
Literary Greetings

Que maravilha, very tasty.

Anonymous said...

Mmm... it looks good! I had som pizza today. It was nice to get a break from the traditional rice.
The situation in Kenya is a bit tense right now, but I feel pretty safe. I love being in Kenya! I love Africa! I don't think that I'll ever be able to go back and live an ordinary life in Sweden after this. Africa is calling...

photogchic said...

Happy New Year Ishtar all the way from Portland, Oregon. Best wishes for 2008.

Admin UD said...

can i have some of the meat pretty please? looks yummy

Happy new year Ishtar

The Five Nomads said...

Ishtar, We followed your blog for almost a year before coming to live in Niamey, so though we have never met we feel like we know you, so it was funny when a Nigerienne friend said "I met this blond haired woman once here who spoke Hausa better than I do (he is Touareg). Then he said you were in Zinder and I laughed because I knew it must be you. Still hope to meet you one day. If you ever come to Niamey look us up. Haven't heard anything recently about your mom. Is she well?

Esther Garvi said...

Thanks for the all the new year wishes guys!

@Lalaina: I'm so glad you dropped by! Are you getting my emails or have you changed your address lately? Aïssa and I were just talking about you the other day...

@Shell: Thanks!

@Hanna: I don't think you'll be able to lead an ordinary Swedish life every again as you seem to have been bit by the African Bug too. Welcome to the club!

@Ugo: Nice to see you again, man! What's up?

@5nomads: Lol! I'm trying to think of who that person could be. Ask him where we met! And do you have an email address so we can write?


Anonymous said...

Looks like a lovely celebration, Ishtar. Your photos are wonderful; such bright, vibrant colors! And should I ever find myself in Niger, I'll take you up on a horseback tour!