Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ishtar News has moved!

After blogging for two seasons, I have decided to set up a blog in my own name. For the continuation of Ishtar News, click here.

See you soon!

Esther aka Ishtar


photogchic said...

Can I still call you Ishtar:-)? I will switch over to your new site. Can you watch the documentary online?

Esther Garvi said...

Hi Photogchic! Lol, you can still call be Ishtar - even the new blog is called Esther Garvi aka Ishtar News... but during the past years, my kids in Zinder, who were the ones who named me Ishtar, have started calling me Esta which is the Hausa version of Esther...

I don't know if the documentary can be watched online yet, it can from Norway but my brother was denied access because he was accessing from Sweden. However, I would not be surprised if this documentary goes international, since it is an international issue...

See you over at the new site!

Esther Garvi said...

You know a comment is SPAM when you write that you've added a blog - which recently moved to another place - to your blogroll...

maybe*mej said...

Hejsan! Annemaj heter jag och bor på smögen i lilla sverige..Är med i missionskyrkan där.. Markus Röhmer berättade i söndags att Du och din familj skulle vara med på tv på kvällen..givetvis bänkade vi oss framför dumburken för att se vilka ni var som vi har hört så mkt om ...Det var jättekul att få se hur ni såg ut osv..

Vilken fin bild till höger på ..är det du..och en häst.. snyggt med det svarta mot bakgrunden..Det är inte ofta man ser svart på någon i Afrika..

Ha det gött..
Kram Annemaj Sporrong

NIGER1.COM said...

so this blog still exists wow i miss that page < you know Mr Blog I love you much better than
i miss the days when esther used to updated you daily long live

Indrani said...

Hey, Congrats on this new look! It looks cool! :)

Barb said...

Hello Esther,
I didn't know it was you who had left a comment until I came to your Ishtar blog. Hope all is still going well in Sweden. You favor your Mother so much.

Cherie said...

how i admire your humanitarian work, ishtar!! you take care of yourself!! love and hugs to those you care for over there!!

Mandy and Rob said...

Greeting from Cyprus, enjoyed your Blog, Regards

Taiteelliset eväät said...

I visited your blog, thank you very much. Visit you will also see my art and photos from Finland. Autumn Greetings Markku Mäkelä.