Sunday, December 10, 2006

Back at the market

Our Sunday morning habit: the market of Zinder! You'd be surprised at how much tissue you can find! Everytime there is something new; our mission is just to find it... :-)

Sofia and I - a dark picture that has been "rescued" with some Photoshop "shadow/highlight". When taking pictures, you either need a good camera, or a good program! In some cases however, you need both...

One of the many "alleys" at the market...

An old man who approached Sofia and had something to tell her; however, she could not understand hausa and I never heard what his message was...

Another alley!

"You had baby shoes, you said?"

"Second-hand underwear, anybody?"

Oh yes, the resemblance is striking! We just had to take a picture of it...

We went home with a whole bag full of tissue... Now let's just see how long it takes before we're back again!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Ishtar, thanks for stopping by my blog. Those are some sweet picture of the marketplace. I especially like the one about the used underwear.... thats awesome. Anyway, now you're in my RSS reader so I'll get to catch up on whats going on with you. Thanks again fro stopping by.

- Vic