Friday, May 18, 2007

Only in Niger!

Now, I don't usually tell people to go and check out another site, but there's an article on the Tam-Tam Info (news site about Niger in French) that talks about transportation problems in the capital, Niamey. People have a hard time finding a cab, it seems.

After twenty years in Niger, I really thought that I had seen it all; chicken sticking their heads out of the window, goats and sheep hanging down from lorry roofs, cows pack both inside and on top of tiny little mini-buses and so on... But this... This beats it all.

For those of you who aren't into French and just want to have a look at the picture, click here. The picture doesn't have a title, but they might want to consider calling it "No Room Left in Nigerien Cabs after the VIP Take Their Seat."

Now talk about luxurious animal transportation!! Looks like the Western World has something to learn from the Least Developed Country after all...


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Dubbelörn said...

Så glad jag blev över att du hittade till mig! Vilken blogg du har!!! du har gjort det jag drömde om att göra, jobba som volontär...

Har besökt Afrika flera gånger o skulle gärna återkomma till Kenya där jag varit 2 gånger...

Dubbelörn said...

Kikar snabbt i din blogg o kommer att följa den... Jag beunderar dig verligen som fullföljt det många av oss önskar... Beundransvärd det är du!!!


Anonymous said...

Haha! Ja, det där var något av det värsta jag sett! Man undrar ju nästan om inte bilden är fejkad. Hur i all världen har de lyckats stuva in kamelen i den lilla bilen?!

Esther Garvi said...

I don't ask myself how they stuffed the camel in the cab; I have some ideas popping up in the back of my head but I'd rather not think about them. :-) At least the camel looks comfortable when the cameraman stopped by!

Besides, Niger is far too underdeveloped to fake pictures! If they would, I think they'd have removed the camel (from the picture) instead!

Wadard said...

I can see you have the love for Africa - me too, having grown up in South Africa, but I now live in Australia. Good luck too you.

Esther Garvi said...

Thanks Wadard! I think as a TCK (third culture kid) you have a very special love for the place where you grew up. You may not end up spending the rest of your life there, but it will always mean something special to you. You are right - in my world, Niger is precious! Hope you enjoy Australia!

Anonymous said...

Ja, det var väl en ny variant på djurtransport. :)